Or maybe a Cosmic Bowling Alley
Artist:  Mary Lane

With edits and adds by Coach Tink


In our FREEDOM, we are always at choice about where we put our focus and how we choose to feel.  Freedom of choice is at the heart of balance in our lives.  You may find that you sometimes forget you have a choice in all things, regardless of their reality.

The mission of this exercise is to excavate and explore as many different perspectives from where you stand on a particular decision, goal, challenge, situation, relationship or even a perception about something.  Some examples:  Getting married, deciding to have a child, buying a house, making a major career change, starting a business, deciding whether to have surgery, care-taking a parent, maintaining relationship with an elderly parent who has significantly changed due to health or mental issues,  divorce, buying a Harley Davidson,  moving to another country, retirement.  You get the idea.  This exercise is particularly valuable if you find yourself “stuck” or “victimized” about something.  Here are the steps:

1. At the top of a clean page, write down the specific issue you wish to explore.  Be as precise as possible and always realize you can adjust how you word your specific issue as you progress around the Wheel of Perspective.  This is a fluid, moveable feast of all possible perspectives!   

2. Draw a large circle below your identified issue.  This is your Wheel of Perspective.  By actually using your hands to draw the circle and write down your “perspectives” and key words relative to each perspective, you activate both the left (analytical, logical) side and the right (imaginative, creative) side of your brain. 

3.  Now, draw a horizontal line across the center of the circle as well as a vertical line, so you have four equal segments within the circle.  You can divide your circle, using lines, as many times as you want.  The idea is to write down every possible perspective you can think of. Use the outside of the circle to capture meaningful words or phrases that further clarify each perspective.   

4.  You are allowed to erase, scratch-off, edit, change words, use coloured-markers or even images! Think:  Being 4-years old, easel before you, your fingers in paint, and you can create whatever comes to mind.  There will be no critique, no judgment from anyone.  This is “for your eyes only.”  Breathe deep throughout the exercise and allow all possible perspectives to surface.  Make sure and “get out of your own way” by dismissing your own inner critics from this process.  If one of your inner judges says, “That is a RIDICULOUS perspective! Don’t write that down!”  Firmly tell this critic he or she is excused and if you find they are being particularly naughty and nagging – give them a 30-minute “time-out!”

5.  When you are ready, step into each perspective, one perspective at a time, and see what you notice, pay attention to how the perspective MAKES YOU FEEL.  If it doesn’t feel good, step into another perspective.  If you find yourself stepping into another perspective that doesn’t feel good then find the one that gives you some measure of emotional relief and step into it.  The goal is to use your feelings as a guide, leading you to the perspective that authentically feels better.  Then, ask yourself, “Of all these perspectives, which one feels BEST?”  The next question to ask yourself is:  “From this BEST PERSPECTIVE, what ACTION am I inspired to take?”  Without discovering the INSPIRED ACTION, nothing really changes.  Here’s the Secret:  IT ISN’T ABOUT ACTION FIRST.  IT’S ALL ABOUT THE SHIFT IN YOUR AWARENESS OF ENERGY TO A BETTER-FEELING PERSPECTIVE. 



Anonymous said...

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am in planting mode. great pictures I have several of those on my pinterest and that i did a post last summer on it.

.satisfied summer to you..
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