This is the last question... 
And as I'm sure you've heard somewhere before, 
The End is Never the End, Merely a New Beginning.
So, do you want to keep this particular flame burning? 

I have no doubt you know the dangers ahead. 
Life sweeps in, time moves on, 
and in a year your life is a little different - 
but not different enough - 
from the one you're living now.
It's not easy to stay committed 
to a life of fun, inspiration and action.

So what can you do about it?

Here are three ways to keep the flame flickering.

1. Week by week.
Pick a lesson to focus upon. Set a goal for the week. Repeat.

2. Yes and No.
Define your No's. 
If you're saying Yes to a life of fun, inspiration and action - 
and you are - 
then what are you saying No to?
Getting clear on your No's 
is the secret to getting the Yes's you want.

3.  Find a buddy.
This is the big one. 
The one that will make the most difference. 
Invite someone in to help you change and shape and craft and live a better life. 
Revisit your answers to Question #4. 
Find a friends who you can partner with. 
Hire a coach. Join a mastermind group. 
Start an online support group. 
Just find a buddy.

So, how will you keep going?

Thank you Michael Bungay Stanier for this inspirational mini-series!
The MUSEologies Studio loves your BOX OF CRAYONS!

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