My Heart Is a Sweet Maui Onion ©2006
By Royce Addington

Peel back the fragile layers
And what do we choose to see
Beware and go with caution
For it’s a place you will forever “BE”

There’s no turning back
The essence unfolds
Pungent and Powerful
Sometimes Painful
Sometimes Bold

Personal Truths may await you
Stark realizations unwittingly keep you bound
Ruthless disappointment may reign within
Hope and Desire
They MUST be found!

Transparent as dragonfly wings
Thick as crimson blood
What is revealed may be quite clear
Or Quicksand
Or Mud

If all fears were but illusion
The inner critics banished for eternity
Self-sabotage would be non-existent
This freedom is Passion’s key

Without self-doubt or recrimination
Where could our Imaginations flow
Possibilities are infinite
The beating heart of our inner Universe
Always waits to tell us so…

1 comment:

Pattie said...

this still makes me smile whenever you post it....can't post it enough as a reminder to peel back the layers! expose yourself...