Photo by: Joel Sartore

This morning,
words streaming through my head woke me out of a deep sleep.
I found myself smiling.

In the dream,

words were dancing with each other on gigantic polished rocks
that tumbled across a beautiful pristine river
as though they had fallen from the sky.
I knew this river was high in the Sierra Nevada Mountains for
I have crossed it more than once on a hot summer day.
The words had arms and legs; each one alive with its own identity.
The words stretched down the river like a glorious glistening ribbon
creating sentences which, in turn, created dazzling concepts
which, in turn, spoke to my heart and made me smile.

Thank you Brian. You have made my day!

You can’t begin to anticipate
all the good things that may happen to you today.”
-Brian Narelle-

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There you are!! May all your words come to you in visions such as this...beautiful!