Master Muse MARTHA BECK has written another MASTERpiece, STEERING by STARLIGHT FIND YOUR RIGHT LIFE NO MATTER WHAT! Martha is a brilliant life coach and intellectual warrior who strives to shine light on the dark places we all face. The book jacket synopsis sums it up,
“…She connects readers with their authentic hopes, needs and desires by bringing together cutting-edge research in psychiatry and neurology and offering powerful new methods for solving problems that beset every one of us.”
Here in the MUSEologies Studio, we like visual aides and have a growing collage of images and quotes affixed to every free surface. They inspire us. More than that, they make us feel good. One of our newest additions is an excerpt found on Page 231 of STEERING by STARLIGHT. We enlarged it, so that we can read it from across the room. We enlarged it, because it deserves ‘Center Stage’,
“One night in Africa, I watched the full moon rise huge and orange over the savannah. Giraffes walked in front of it like movie stars. A leopard huffed somewhere. One of the men in our group said he was afraid to look up; the stars were so bright he felt he was falling into them. “It makes me think too much”, he said, sounding genuinely scared. I know what he meant. If you see the stars too clearly, they make demands of you, throw out rude, intrusive questions. The poet Mary Oliver did this in one of her poems, brazenly asking,
”Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”
If you’re afraid you’ve come to this question too late, you are wrong. Ask your Stargazer self. It will tell you what my fallen-noble friend Marianna told me in one of my darker hours: that the world is re-created in every instant of time, and this moment is always your life’s beginning. No matter how many years have been stolen from you by your own ignorance, by cruel fate, or by the acts of others, you have a clean, broad slate before you. In this instant – THIS ONE NOW – you can begin steering by starlight, and if you do, the rest of creation will conspire to guide, teach and help you.”
“…She connects readers with their authentic hopes, needs and desires by bringing together cutting-edge research in psychiatry and neurology and offering powerful new methods for solving problems that beset every one of us.”
Here in the MUSEologies Studio, we like visual aides and have a growing collage of images and quotes affixed to every free surface. They inspire us. More than that, they make us feel good. One of our newest additions is an excerpt found on Page 231 of STEERING by STARLIGHT. We enlarged it, so that we can read it from across the room. We enlarged it, because it deserves ‘Center Stage’,
“One night in Africa, I watched the full moon rise huge and orange over the savannah. Giraffes walked in front of it like movie stars. A leopard huffed somewhere. One of the men in our group said he was afraid to look up; the stars were so bright he felt he was falling into them. “It makes me think too much”, he said, sounding genuinely scared. I know what he meant. If you see the stars too clearly, they make demands of you, throw out rude, intrusive questions. The poet Mary Oliver did this in one of her poems, brazenly asking,
”Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”
If you’re afraid you’ve come to this question too late, you are wrong. Ask your Stargazer self. It will tell you what my fallen-noble friend Marianna told me in one of my darker hours: that the world is re-created in every instant of time, and this moment is always your life’s beginning. No matter how many years have been stolen from you by your own ignorance, by cruel fate, or by the acts of others, you have a clean, broad slate before you. In this instant – THIS ONE NOW – you can begin steering by starlight, and if you do, the rest of creation will conspire to guide, teach and help you.”
Oh did you know that I needed to read this today?!?!?!
Thank you very much!!
Because of your review, I picked up Beck's book this last weekend.
Some of it is very intensive. All is informative. Some out of my well established 'comfort zone'.
Will use the 'brackets on' ,
'brackets off' technique in my business. It has given me a LOT to think about and discuss with friends and colleagues.
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