I find it interesting that you can read something one day and it passes through the conscious mind with a rather benign interest, eliciting not much of a reaction. On another day, you can read the very same passage; when, like riding the perfect wave, you begin to recognize the signs of pure exhilaration - that indescribable feeling of happiness and excitement combined with a heightened sense of just being alive… it pulses through the body and explodes into a million watt inspirational experience.

A case in point is the passage below which arrived last April in our cyber-post box from
TUT’s A NOTE FROM THE UNIVERSE. I read it. It caught my attention enough to actually print it out. Then, the scrap of paper discreetly disappeared under a behemoth pile of books, photos, drafts, drawings…and was, of course, forgotten.

This week has been one of those weeks. In fact, the last three weeks are not ones that we wish to repeat anytime soon. We all have humdinger weeks like these. It took a real and concerted effort to brew up some optimism with our morning coffee. 90+ degree heat and its partner, humidity gone mad, added to a pessimistic sense of overwhelm. Not a pretty sight or feeling. Stress was crackling in the air like black lightening. As if on cue, a slip of paper worked its way out of the precariously stacked pile that was vibrating to the rhythmic sequence of the whirring ceiling fan. The paper landed on the floor, skipping around gently like a feather being blown in a light breeze. Absently, I picked it up to see if it was an important scrap. It was
The Universe.

Remember you once told me that if ever all the circumstances in your life were aligned just so, your soon-to-be assignments, clients and friends (a little add here on my part) were in all the right places at all the right times, and the financial markets, your bank account, social climate and global energies had all reached optimal points…you’d want to be gently nudged as a subtle sign that it was time to start doing new things, saying new things, and visualizing so that you might catch these gargantuan waves of change and surf to dazzling new heights.”


Hang Ten,
The Universe

TODAY IS THE DAY. I woke up above ground. A fresh beginning. A clean slate. Nope, I won’t throw in the towel. The next potential gargantuan wave is just too enticing. It’s time to pick up my board and surf!


Mel Fisher is the Treasure Hunter who discovered a Spanish Galleon off the Florida Keys called The Atocha. Mel’s daily proclamation became quite famous in Key West. Every single day for twenty five years he said, "Today’s The Day!" (to find the mother lode…gold, coins, emeralds). That day arrived. He recovered millions of dollars worth of gold, jewels and history. If you’re ever in Key West, don’t miss the Mel Fisher Maritime Museum. The story and discovery will stir up your adventurer’s spirit.


Anonymous said...

Thank you.
No matter what the circumstances.
Today IS the day.
Staying present in the moment has power.

Anonymous said...

On a whim, we decided to check out the Mel Fisher Museum on our vacation to Key West. You are right, it is worth going to see.